Intellectual Property German Federal Patent Court upholds refusal to register trade mark filed in bad faith
UncategorizedThe crime of extortion by public officials after the reform introduced by Law 190 of 2012Roberto Alma6 June 2013
Criminal LawCriminal LawCriminal LawCriminal LawCriminal LawCriminal LawCriminal LawCriminal LawSexual Violence over the phoneDaniele Costa31 May 2013
Information LawSenza categoria @enWhoever contravenes the prescriptions or limitations imposed by the system controller on the uses that may be made of an I.T. system will be deemed to have unlawfully gained access to such I.T. system, even if the offender had previously lawfully obtained the password thereto.Roberto Alma15 February 2012
Senza categoria @en“The criminal liability of an editor of a weekly on-line magazine”Daniele Costa16 January 2012