Intellectual Property German Federal Patent Court upholds refusal to register trade mark filed in bad faith
Civil LawDamages for losses caused for losses caused by incorrect information provided by the Secretariat of a UniversityDaniele Costa11 June 2013
UncategorizedAward of non-economic damages and the application of the Court of Milan Table of Damage AwardsDaniele Costa27 February 2013
UncategorizedDamages for failure to diagnose fetal malformations: Even the baby and siblings are entitled to compensation!Daniele Costa29 October 2012
Civil LawCivil LawCivil LawCivil LawCivil LawCivil LawCivil LawCivil LawBreach of privacy: The unlawful processing of sensitive data and the award of damages for non-economic losses arising therefromDaniele Costa14 March 2012
UncategorizedAre the relatives of an immigrant – who is the victim of a road accident – entitled to the award of damages?Daniele Costa12 March 2012
UncategorizedCosta Crociere Shipwreck: The passengers are entitled to damagesDaniele Costa28 January 2012
UncategorizedParents’ Liability: The Italian Supreme Court hands down judgement on what constitutes rebuttal evidence pursuant to article 2048 of the Italian Civil CodeDaniele Costa14 January 2012